Is there anyone in this forum who has anemia caused by having chronic gerd? Since December I've had the worst flare up of gerd immaginable and am due for a scope July 2nd which is four days from now. I started out taking a strong antibiotic called Levofloxicin or Levoquin, something like that, for pneumonia and that started some of the worst gerd symptoms I've ever had in my life. It was when I went to the hospital and they found the pneumonia on an x-ray that they did blood tests and found that my cbc was all abnormal with low iron, hemocrit and all that jazz. Since December my stomach and throat have progressively become worse even though I'm on Nexium twice a day and sometimes have to swig some Gaviscon. I'm convinced that the antibiotic that rid me of pneumonia, also wreaked havoc on my stomach, causing my gerd to go way out of control.
I'm glad that my anemia was caught though because from that point on it's been testing to find the source of it. So far I've had a colonoscopy, ultra sound of my abdominal area, both upper and lower, and now gastroscopy is next to check my stomach and upper intestines. I've had a scope two years ago which showed mild to moderate inflammation and I'm hoping in those two years that I haven't developed a cancer, I'll be afraid until the day of the scope, it feels that bad, in spite of my bed being raised as well. Does anyone have the opinion here that chronic gerd could cause anemia? So far I've had two iron/sucrose infusions because I can't take iron by mouth.