33333 said...
joao9000 said...
Just to make sure, at first you reported an improvement in belching. Was it placebo, was it that your hiatal hernia repair was still working, or is belching the sole symptom to this day that did get improved by the repair and by the endostim? Because LPR is more of an UES feature and I'd imagine would be harder to cure.
I think the reduction of belching was due to the swelling during early recovery.
Everything now is pretty much the same as pre op.Hello, I have unfortunately the same problem with you since last May.
The same LPR symptoms and the same diagnosis weakly acid reflux. PPI's are not for my case according to my doctor.
According to my impedance test I have multiple events of weakly acid reflux and a little bile.
I have the constant foamy saliva, belching after drinking, all the symptoms that you have described.
In my case, antibiotics triggered my LPR for first time in my whole life. What about
I am so desperate and disappointed as I know that I will never find a cure...and I am so young ( 30 years old)
Please answer to me if you see my post. Have you seen an improvement? How did your reflux start?
Mary ( sorry for my english)