I'm new to this forum and hoping I can find someone who can help me. Just under 2 years ago I stated having nausea and stomach pain. I had vertigo at the time so I attributed the nausea to that.
After it didn't go away for several months I finally went to my doctor, we both suspected it was my gallbladder. I had an ultrasound, my gallbladder shows no stones or problems. Just prior to the ultrasound I started to experience pain, fullness, and trouble swallowing.
I was referred to a GI, did an EGD all is normal. I started losing weight. I have no appetite. I feel full like I just ate a thanksgiving dinner most of the time and I'm almost constantly in pain. To date I have lost 80 pounds due to lack of appetite. I needed to lose weight, but I'm to the point of being too thin.
I have tried all of the food modification diets, no help. I've been treated for H. Pylori, no relief. I've been biopsied for celiac's , not that either. My gastric empty study showed slow motility at hour 3, but at hour 4 I missed the criteria for gastroparesis by one percentage point, so they say it can't be that.
I had HIDA scan, slow ejection fraction. Surgery was suggested, but i was told it wouldn't solve most of my problems, so I declined. I have had CT scans, ultrasounds, swallow study, esophageal manommerty (YUCK) all with normal to mostly normal results.
The doctor says that the tests that had a small variance in normal are not off enough to give me a diagnosis. I really like my doctor but I live in a smaller city, so at the request of my family who are worried about
my weight loss I went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN. We were told they have better equipment and more experience so what the heck I had nothing to lose and maybe I could get a diagnosis. Per the Mayo's request I brought my scans and reports with me.
They looked at them and took them at face value. I had expected them to re-do some of my tests especially the tests that had some variance of normal. After all they said they have better machines. I also thought they would do a capsule endoscopy because that is one test I haven't had, but no such luck. They did run two other tests i hadn't previously had but of course they are normal.
I did find in the swallow study report that Barretts Esophagus could be possible. This was never mentioned to me by the doctor. When all was said and done I was told I have Visceral Hypersensitivity.
I'm having a hard time with this diagnosis . I feel like they can't find anything so it must be this. I'm having a difficult time finding any information about
this. I've read some doctors don't even believe it's a real thing, it's all in the patients head.
I was given anti-anxiety meds that MAY help. The few things I have found about
this is that the general medication is an anti-depressant not anti-anxiety. After driving 1600 miles to the Mayo, I have to say I'm a little disappointed that more wasn't done there. I was dismissed to go home. So after all this I guess my question is does anybody have any experience with Visceral Hypersensitivity? I'm hoping someone can offer some insight to this diagnosis.
All help is welcomed! Thanks
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