Hello, I just discovered this site and joined today! I would be grateful for any suggestions as I'm having to seek second opinion due to my local doctors suggesting I do so. I'm very stressed out about
what I should do as I've been getting progressively worse over the last couple of months.
I have had severe gastritis for decades, along with rheumatoid arthritis, migraines, asthma, endometriosis, and other auto-immune diseases. Now I have intense flare up of stomach pain and gastritis with a lot of reflux. My gallbladder is malfunctioning (HIDA scan showed 8% rate, but no gallstones). I can't eat anything without pain and bloating, and feeling like something is stuck in my throat. The gallbladder attacks are quite painful, but I am resisting having it taken out as I know it will exacerbate the gastritis.
I am debating where I should go to seek out comprehensive treatment where a team of doctors work together. Cleveland clinic is about
4-5 hours drive away, but Mayo clinic would require flying to/from. I would be grateful for any insights from experience at either place. Also, any names of specific doctors would be very helpful.
Thanks very much!
Post Edited (globalprof) : 8/19/2014 8:16:16 PM (GMT-6)