Hi guys! I'm Martina from Italy. I have had Gerd and stomach issues for about
20 years.
I had two consultations with Dr Bonavina (the King of the Linx here
). After seeing my tests, he said I'm not a good candidate for the Linx,so he suggested me the Stretta procedure even if he didn't garantuee any real improvements or healing.
I accepted because I'm really tired to be sick.
Today I got the phone from San Donato Hospital. They would do the Stretta next week but I feel "unprepared"and I asked to postpone the surgery. The doctor told me it would be possible the first week in November.I really feel so confused because lately I have had many issues with my anxiety and I strangely have felt better with my stomach. So I wonder: Do I have Gerd or anxiety or both?!? Would really this procedure help me? I have so many doubts....
Did anyone of you have this procedure done? Is this procedure really effective?
Thank you to everyone!