Hi Kathy,Welcome to Healing Well! You're definitely in the right place. This forum is great, and there are lots of really caring and helpful members, as you can see by the responses you've already received.
You've been given some great advice, so I'll just add a couple things that come to mind. First, if you're taking a PPI, it's very important to take it correctly to get the full benefit. Here's a very informative document that can provide you with directions.
www.practicalgastro.com/pdf/January07/Jan07FrankArticle.pdfIt could help you to elevate the head of your bed about
7-8" if that's possible with your type of bed frame. Otherwise, purchase a good wedge, which can also be helpful. This will help keep the contents of your stomach where they belong because of increased use of gravity. Using a stack of pillows is not a good option, as it can bend your body in a way that can increase pressure on your stomach and create more reflux.
My doctor had me take 300mg Zantac at bedtime before my surgery. His big concern was to keep my reflux in control at bedtime, to avoid migrating acid while laying down. Just a thought.
I hope your testing goes well, and that your surgery is prioritized and can be done soon, if it is indicated.
Hang in there!
Best wishes,