My wife has had GERD for more than thirty years. She has been prescribed every medication ever manufactured to treat GERD with little relief from its symptoms.
She has tried the sloped pillow, but had not much success with that. (The pillow would often end up on the floor, or elsewhere.)
8 months ago, I made 3 1/2" blocks to raise the feet of the head of our bed. The results have been phenomenal, really unbelievable, after so many years of nothing really helping out. We were at wits end trying everything we could think of, but with little success.
My wife had been diagnosed with Barret's Esophagus about
five years ago following years of GERD.
Since placing the blocks under the head of the bed's feet, she has had absolutely no GERD while in bed, NONE. From time to time, when not in bed, and she bends over she might have an episode of GERD, but absolutely none while asleep as I've mentioned above.
Research I've done suggests that the effects of Barret's cannot be reversed, and I am not suggesting otherwise. At the same time, and we still do not know for sure, but we would like to think that at a minimum perhaps the problem might not worsen in view of the success in controlling GERD in this fashion.
Once my wife has her next endoscopy, I will follow up with the report of any noticeable improvement of her condition from the doctor's point of view.
This is not a totally perfect solution, though: Our bed clothes and our feet do slide off the end of the bed while sleeping and it does wake us occasionally. We merely adjust the bed clothes, and pull ourselves back up the bed, but this has been a small price to pay for the relief my wife has enjoyed.
Anyone having GERD knows how agonizing the condition can be, particularly while in a prone position, sleeping.
I hope what we have found might be of some help to anyone attempting this measure. Good luck.
Post Edited By Moderator (opnwhl4) : 1/30/2015 12:17:17 AM (GMT-7)