Hi Everyone, what an ineresing forum - if nothing else there is a sense of relief you are not alone with some often worrying symptoms.
I am 55 yr old male,
I had been diagnosed with acid reflux causing sore throat and blocked sinuses nearly 2 years ago and prescribed Lansoprozole - it was a miracle cure and did well for around 15-18 months.
I also took Valsartin for mild hypertension, after patent was gone in 2014 I was changed to candesartan - again this was ok for 3 months until September.
In September I had my candersartan changed... same drug same dose but different manufacturer different country, new tablet was big compared to small pin head pill before.
First tablet taken with breakfast - ok, next day 2nd table taken with coffee and no breakfast and after 20-30 mins I suffered blurred vision, difficulty coordinating myself, nausea moving to spinning vertigo - the room was vertially spinning back and forth 180 Degrees... this triggered anxiety I guess, I could feel a rush through my body and then flushing and heart was racing.
Had 24hr ECG - once ettled all ok, and since I have had change in meds to try to clear those as a cause, 24 hr ECG and BP test, Echocardiogram, Cardiologist put me on beta blockers (5mg/day) to help prevent or minimise attack if it was excessive adrenalin, I had all my endochrine levels checked to rule out pheocromocytoma and carcinoid syndrome etc - all negative and abdominal ultrasound (gallstome found)and Gastroscopy to check oesophagus and stomach.
All results apart from detecting gall stone all negative, Dr said gallstone was no significant problem.
I as improving slowy until new year and feeling pretty poor on and off since, still on 5mg beta blocker once per day and back on my 30mg lansoprazole once per day
getting random attacks of palpitations and chest pain - more a dull ache - pretty stable, no shortness of breath and when I exercise I do not get any pain like angina
Anyone else with similar symptoms bought on by GERD or other abdominal issues ?
If nothing else we can have a brief intro and chat :)
Thank you in advance.