Hi aniemj,Welcome to the Healing Well
Wrapped Club!
Sorry you're having problems! You're still in the early stages of recovery. It takes six months for most of the healing and a year for the rest. I found improvements into the second year.
I know you're trying to be patient, and I understand it's hard to trust that all is well. Still, if you can surrender to your recovery and follow its lead, you'll find the experience easier. Everyone heals a little differently, so although there are things that we all share during recovery, others are unique to each one of us.
It sounds as if you might be getting some spasms. Have you called your surgeon's office or GI doc? Perhaps they can give you something to relieve those symptoms. Are you taking small bites and chew, chew, chewing you food to a liquid consistency? You will do well with any foods if you can do that. If something doesn't chew thoroughly to a liquid consistency, don't swallow it. I always kept a napkin handy to deposit those foods that are too challenging.
Again, sorry you're having these uncomfortable symptoms. It's very common, actually, to run into "bumps in the road" at around the third month, as people generally start challenging their wrap more.
Glad you've joined the forum! Hopefully someone will be by soon, who've had a similar experience.
Best wishes!