Kquad said...
Thank you so much. I did not have anxiety before this. I even mention acid to the ENT, he said no way. Things went downhill rapidly from there. I pushed for an ultrasound. They found huertle cell nodules and so out came the thyroid. Turns out they were fine and could have been left alone. The anxiety caused chest pain, so they took an xray. Guess what, they saw something, Result serial CT scans to see if it was growing. I quit after a year, ( the stats were about 1 in a 1,00 at that point). By this point they tell a formerly happy person, he is Bi-polar. I was immortal when this started at 42 and now at 46, I wonder all the time what is next.
I had all the symptoms of Gerd and have asked for another ENT. My clicking is under the left side of throat when I turn that way, mostly in a downward direction. I was drinking recent;y due to anxeiety worst in a year. So that may be it. My gums were even sore and irritated. Now 90% is no more tenderness, Hope the rest follows soon.
Maybe you need to see a gastro? And endoscope may be what you need. I have a nodule on my voice box and my ENT said that can be contributing to some of my throat issues. The first ENT missed that. Actually the first ENT couldn't even tell me if I had GERD while this one was able to tell immediately. That's why it's so important to get second opinion.
I've gotten bad anxiety from all this which I think is normal. I mean how else am I suppose to feel? I just www no getting better in sight for me as nothing is helping.
Really think about
seeing a gastro though if you haven't already. Hope you feel better soon.