Hi Agordon,Welcome to the
Wrapped Club!
Better late than never! Glad to hear you're generally doing well.
I don't know if you've had any testing to see if you're getting significant reflux, but I would say this...recovery from this surgery takes six months for most of the healing and a year for the rest.
It's very common for symptoms to increase when you start eating more challenging foods. Don't assume that these reflux symptoms you're having are necessarily true reflux. Your esophagus is a dumb organ, and it interprets all pain as reflux. Spicy, acidic foods as well as alcohol can irritate--especially at the wrap site, which still holds things back a bit. This irritation/pain sends the brain the message that you're getting reflux.
You've got lots of time left to heal and experience improvements. It's not a bad idea to take acid reducer meds during healing...some surgeons recommend it, as it can make their patients more comfortable as they heal.
Hang in there! It gets better. I had improvements even into the second year!
Happy healing,