Posted Today 2:48 AM (GMT 0)
Hi everyone! Hope you're enjoying the early holiday season.
It's been awhile since I've posted, but I have been following the threads. Recently, I had a follow-up endoscopy to see if my Grade A esophagitis had healed. Thankfully, it has! Everything looked normal on the endoscopy, except that the doctor found a small hiatal hernia. I had suspected I have one since I started exhibiting digestive problems this summer, so at least now it's confirmed.
The healing is a relief, but I'm concerned because I still regurgitate stomach acids -- particularly after drinking liquids (especially if I forget to drink slowly) and burp frequently. My doctor tells me to stay on the omeprazole I am taking to prevent recurrence of esophagitis. He did say that I could go from 40mg to 20mg to see how my body responds.
Is there anything else I can or should do as far as testing is concerned? The thought of having the regurgitation for the rest of my life is giving me anxiety. It's so uncomfortable and makes me depressed. On the other hand, I feel like I should just be thankful that I am not in constant pain while eating, as so many of us are on this forum.
Does anyone have any advice or thoughts? Thanks!