I have just found this forum and it is a great source of information.
I was finally diagnosed with GERD in March this year after 3 years of going back and forth to my GP.
My problem started when I was pregnant with my 2nd child, I had terrible morning sickness and developed a really irritating cough which I still have (the doctors have said that I may have damaged my oesophageal sphicnter). The cough comes on at any time of the day or night and causes me to literally choke. It almost feels like I am drowning, that sort of feeling if you get water in your lungs while swimming. The cough normally starts as I go to put food into my mouth and once I have had a coughing fit it subsides. Then again, it seems to start at anytime not just when I am eating but eating is the worst time I experience the cough (it's so embarrassing if in a restaurant!). I also have a feeling of something stuck in my throat and I have to clear my throat alot too, sometimes my voice goes funny and I can't speak especially when talking on the phone. Another symptom that I find is really getting me down is the feeling of fullness in my right ear and sensitivity in my ear and scalp. Sometiems if I touch my ear or scalp it sends me into a fit of coughing. The fullness in my ears feels a bit like when you have a head cold but I have had this now for 3 years and it is getting me down. The doctors haven't done anything to treat this and when they look in my ears they just tell me that they are clear. I think that sometimes the acid from the stomach can get into the ear/sinus canal but how can I get rid of this if it is the case?
Most of the time I do not suffer from acid indigestion however, every now and then I have a very bad burning sensation at the top of my stomach which is quite painful.
Althought I was finally diagnosed in March and was prescribed Metochlopromide and Lansphranposole (not sure how to spell?) which helped, I have just emigrated to Australia and need to see a doctor so will probably have to start all over again with the diagnosis. If anyone knows a good gastroenterologyst in Sydney let me know!
Is there anyone out there who could give me some advice on how I can move forward. I especially want to sort the cough and the fullness in my ear. Do you think I should ask for an endoscopy as I am worried about the burning sensation doing damage inside?
Is there anyone out there that has the same symptoms? I am at the end of my tether so any advice would be good.