thank you so much for your time and comments. This is a very scary time for me. Waking up everyday not knowing what is wrong. It was like BAM! I start having these symptoms of indigestion and heartburn everyday and it seems it was triggered by a very stressful time in my life. NOONE understands my fear of eating, noone understands the pain, and it that makes it even tougher when people think your are just making this up or EXAGGERATING, because they have never went through it. I force myself to eat, because I know whatever I eat will cause heartburn- I have found a few foods do not. Mashed potatoes, chicken to name a few. Zantac works, but only for an hour and a half.
I will montitor the chest pains more closely. Thinking back, they happen the same times about everyday, which would make sense, because people's eating habits are usually the same schedule.
I have been researching and researching and i found that this relates closest to all of my symptoms and it is sad that the doctor is getting paid $60.00 / hour just to tell me, that it is 'anxiety'.
sigh! I do have anxiety, but there is another underlying cause here. not everything is anxiety. my bf seems to think i have an ulcer. Well think you for the insight!! :)