Posted 1/31/2017 5:57 PM (GMT 0)
Hey all! I am new here. This is my first post. I made an appointment at the GI doctor but they cant get me in until next week. about a week ago I started having weird symptoms. It started out where I was feeling like I had something stuck in my throat. I thought it might be allergies or heart burn maybe... but it made me feel like I couldn't breathe... like it felt like my throat was going to close up. 2 days later I started to develop typical cold symptoms (stuffy nose, sinus pressure, runny nose, and some chills). Then I noticed that I still felt like I couldn't breathe right but I was using sinex (the stuff that clears your nose out completely) right before I went to bed. I know that I am not having trouble breathing at night due to the cold. Then I realized that my stomach has be feeling very acidic and I haven't been able to eat much. Every time I eat I feel like crap afterwards. I am hungry before I eat and then I eat something small and it feels like I had a giant dinner. All the acidic feeling in my stomach seems to be almost "pushing" on my lungs right around where my sternum is and I think when I lay down, that is what is causing the shortness of breath. I just have no idea if these stomach symtoms are supposed to be lasting this long due to a virus. It has been about a week since this started. It's driving me nuts because I want to eat but I know I will feel bad if it do and I can't eat past like 5 pm or else I know I will wake up with a bring stomach with shortness of breath. Could I be having a little bit of GERD from a stomah virus maybe? That's what I am thinking. My cold symoms are almost gone now (stuffy nose and all) but the stomach issues are lingering. Any advice for me? Thanks!! Also I have been taking Zantac every night before I go to bed. Sometimes it helps, sometimes it doesn't. I am also taking tums during the day. They seem to help the acidic feeling instantly but don't last very long. Thanks for your help!!