SharonZ said...
In conjunction with the medication, are you also following a Acid Reflux-friendly diet? There are a lot of foods that could irritate your stomach and escalate your symptoms. In addition, anxiety can cause or make your symptoms seem a lot worse. A lot of people go the hospital with a racing heart and elevated blood pressure and eventually are diagnosed with a panic attack - not saying that this was your situation. With the belching symptoms, it's common with acid reflux, along with heartburn. We are not medical professionals here, and can only offer advice based on our own experience. It might ease your mind if your contact your doctor and discuss your concerns directly. You could try some anti-gas medication, and you might want to keep a food diary to see if you can identify your trigger foods. It will take a while for your medication to take effect, and make sure you take it as prescribed.
Let me know if you have any other questions. I suffered with reflux for most of my adult life, and eventually needed to have surgery at 53 years old.
Thanks! Yeah I have always been a what I would call over thinker. My mind constantly thinks about
all decisions or problems before acting and that seems to be working against me in this situation. I will have a flair up of acid reflux and can't seem to calm down. I called my doctors office today about
my sore throat which they attributed to me trying to get these burps up, which makes since because it didn't start until 5 days after the endoscopy. They said the medicine should help the burps but it hasn't yet.
I am on Prilosec OTC for 14 days, 1 pill a day, then switch to Pepcid prescript
ion 20mg twice a day. Also 2 gaviscons after eating. The gaviscons at times seem to push down my belches though and only seem to make my needing to belch worse.
I guess it is jus trial and error but never knew this stuff took this much of a toll on people. I have been a type 1 diabetic taking 6-8 shots a day and calculating insulin to carb ratios for 22 years and that is a piece of cake compared to this.