Hi bunee
Im really sorry to see about your dad.. I lost my Mom to pancreatic cancer in 1999 and like your dad they told her it was everything under the sun until someone finally dug deep enough to find it and when they did it was too late.. She was 55..
An elevated sed rate is the sign of an infection. ANA level is what meausures the amount of inflammation in the body. Usually with an elevated ANA and Sed rate they will look for things like Lupus, Scleroderma, Ms etc etc.. I have an elevated ANA level because I have been sick with chronic lyme disease for 15 yrs...
Im glad you're not letting this go.. Too many doctors have just become business men and women and really dont care too much about the welfare of their patients anymore..
As for the watchful waiting theory in think it stinks.. there is obviously a problem somewhere and you have the blood work to back it up.. The key is finding a doctor who is willing to dig deep and long enough to detect what it is...
Please keep in touch and let me know how you're doing...
bunee said...
Thank you so much for your reply. I thought elevated sed rate was the amount of inflammation. I am in the process of getting to the bottom of the GERD and hiatal hernia and hope the gastroenterologist will be linking something. As far as finding another doctor for the rising sed rate and positive ANA, I am doing that. Watchful waiting is all that is being done at this time and quite frankly with the family history of esophageal cancer and lymphomas in my family I am a littel frightened but I will not let a doctor just keep changing medicine like they did with my dad who died at the age of 59 of esophageal cancer. If he would have pressed his doctor more they may have found it sooner and he might still be alive today. My gastroenterologist said the esophagus is connective tissue and this may be the problem. I guess we will see after the pH study in January and if I am a candidate for Nissen fundoplication. Undifferentied Connective Tissue Disease is also a possibility. I am hoping for the best and doing what I can on my end to keep me healthy. Thanks again for your reply and if you have another other comments I would surely welcome them. Bunee