Posted 7/18/2017 1:31 AM (GMT 0)
i am a 27 year old male.
A year ago after i went to an ENT with difficulty swallowing and stomach problems. turns out i had strep throat.
i took medication for that and my symptoms alleviated somewhat.
i went back after a month and got a barium swallow which in turn showed reflux.
he prescribed me nexium for 30 days. i lost some weight, modified my diet and after a month the GERD went away.
i didn't think too much of GERD until 2 months ago i started feeling some symptoms returning.
i think it was a long weekend of eating too many acidic foods and drinks.
this time i knew immediately what this was, so i prepared accordingly.
i modified my diet, lost weight, took zantac twice a day and tums occasionally.
after a couple of weeks when it did not go away i went to my PCP, who referred me to a GI Dr.
He prescribed me prilosec 20mg once a day, ordered a esophagram, EGD and esophageal manometry.
the esophagram only showed minor reflux. i am still waiting for results of the manometry, although the technician said "nothing too alarming was found". EGD is scheduled for next month.
after 2 weeks of taking the prilosec i added 1tsp apple cider vinegar 15 minutes before meals and sometimes 1 hr after meals. my stomach symptoms cleared up, but i still felt irritation in my throat.
i decided to stop taking my prilosec, and after a week the reflux returned, so i started taking it again.
i then started taking a probiotic once a day and regulat in the morning.
throughout this time i have lost weight going from 210 to ~180 currently. 5'11 if it matters.
i also have raised up my bed and have only been sleeping on my left side.
this week i am trying the bone broth and chicken diet (currently on day 3). if i cut up or chew the chicken properly, i do not have any symptoms in my stomach or esophagus after eating.
i havent had the sour taste in my mouth for about a week now during the day, although i still wake up in the morning with reflux and that sour taste.
for the past couple days i have felt dizziness, tightness in my chest and occasionally i can feel my heart beat(not beating too fast or slow) its a very strange sensation but it doesn't seem too alarming. i called my GI dr and he said i might want to get an EKG done. i am not sure if i will or won't.
i believe these symptoms are being caused by the ACV, i have been prone to low blood pressure in the past.
i also feel like drinking water irritates my esophagus, as i get a horse throat about 30 minutes after drinking water (slowly). i am not sure if that is from the water going down or coming back up.
i have DGL licorce and take it occasionally before meals.
currently taking:
prilosec 20mg, i have tried taking it all times during the day.
regulat in the morning
vitamin d liquid 3 drops before dinner
probiotic before dinner.
i am looking for some help here, not sure what to do,
i have tried almost everything i can think of or found on the internet (i even tried drinking just fiji water tonight because i was concerned about the PH of the house water)