So, it all started 3 months ago. Slight pain under left rib towards centre. Was taking Advils for migraines frequently. Things seems to be getting better, then worst. Ended up taking an Advil one night and throwing up small pieces of flesh and a few coffee grinds (blood). Ended up in ER where they only ran blood test, gave me photonix, zantac and sent me on my merry way. That really helped the acid reflux. The pain, I guess so. Not sure if my stomach/esophagus wasn't heal, but the day after I took some other migraine medication, I had an other episode. Again, lost of gas, spams, ended up in ER again, xray, ultrasound, blood test, switched to dexilent 30 and buscopan to help with spasm. Even my vision was affected, I had issues reading my computer and i felt thingling all over my body. Things got better. My doc put me on Dexilent 60 and within a few days, I felt much better. Almost no symptoms 4 days before endoscopy where they only say a red GE junction. Waiting for biopsy results. I'm still hurting! It's not horrible. Why? My left side has pain on and off. Also, my throat is bothering me on the outside!!! It's like my muscles where hurt by all this time I spent on my back in bed? Thyroid? Does a red GE junction cause stomach pain under left rib towards centre? I feel like I'm dying.