Posted 1/6/2018 7:42 PM (GMT 0)
had barrets early stages, LPR, nerve neurothapy
cured by diet and nerve pills.
dr jamie koufman nyc
dr norman latov cornell nyc nerve dr
neurothapy makes your lpr feel like 8+ ( 1 out 10 pain scale)
neurothapy cured by
klonpin 1mg (.5mg am and pm) get this from psychatrist i had untreated anxiety...
if its neurothapy you'll feel relif fast 1-3 weeks.....
but u need to treat refux thats with DIET.
diet books to read.
Jamie koufmans book... good about PH food no you yogurt!!! very acidic use PH test strips.
wheat belly diet..... very helpful.
fodmap diet
breaking vicious cycle --- good book too...!! helpful.
no dr will cure reflux or LPR...
you see its a gut problem...
thus diet is the answer even jamie koufman says that.....
barrets cured with diet and protonix for 6 months..
i am no dr. go see a dr before taking meds...
don't ask any questions or arguing, just posting to give back i am healed this is what worked for me.
problem with healingwell forum, people ask for help... when someone tells them what worked for them they
get attacked. and they continue to do their own thing...guess what? they keep suffering....
i'll make this sticky put it on blogger.
i am cured of LPR, can eat yougurt no issues, took about 2 years to figure it out...
don't give up.
take food log
it will take months to feel better..if your on the right path its gradual month to month gain.
i still eat clean, eat out 1 a week, but no sugars or carbs mostly paleo. diet.
healthy fats wont make u reflux... thats fallacy... carbs will make u reflux.
i ate chicken breast fried in olive oil, salt, and rice...
my reflux cause was WATER!!!... what i did was i drank water i wee eat rice to soak up the water...
for you it maybe milk? etc... thats why the elimination diet is good to do... and reading those books is essential.
i am cured.
still take klonpin for nerve damage... and anxiety issues.
also take cymbalta... which generic now.