Here's some background info about
- 21 years old
- Approximately 150 lbs
- 5 foot 8 inches tall
- Male
- America-born Asian
Now for some medical info. I have this belching that I do after eating or while walking that I suspect is stomach acid coming up through my esophagus and possibly into my throat. I'm wondering if this could be LPR
I don't have heartburn so it's not regular GERD.
I've had this belching for at least two years now and I'm wondering if, if left untreated, it can turn into esophageal cancer. It's not painful right now and I don't want to bother my parents about
getting tested, among other personal reasons.
Since I'm only 21, I have a long time before I should start worrying about
getting esophageal cancer, right? And if my assumption is incorrect, how long do I have before I get the cancer?
Just so I can plan accordingly.