So I'm curious... been reading around trying to gather some information but it seems as if everyone has a different experience. I'm about
to enter my 4th week post op of a Nissen Fundoplication and I've been incorporating regular food but there are a few things that i'm curious as to what you all have experienced:
1. Will I be able to golf again or will the twisting risk my wrap coming undone?
2. Will tightness alleviate when eating? When I eat, in the beginning first few bites I feel tightness like food getting stuck (one time it did and i threw up like 10-15 times in an hour.) I'm hoping this is just swelling and eventually it will go away but wondering if this is permanent.
3. Will I be able to eat like i used to? With this question I'm referring to food going down with ease as well as the amount of food (I like to eat a lot.) I get full a lot quicker. This isn't necessarily a bad thing as it'll help me from gaining weight from eating too much but i enjoy eating