Posted 6/15/2018 1:25 PM (GMT 0)
My symptoms are as follows: I get up in the morning, take a PPI, go to the bathroom. A half hour later I have either fluids or something small to eat and take my other pills (5mg of prednisone and 2 Imuran.) A couple of hours later I start to feel full and sick to my stomach. This last till about 3 in the afternoon when I go to the bathroom again and then I start to feel better. Sometimes my stomach sounds like it's full of fluids and sloshing back and forth. Again, it doesn't seem to matter if I eat or not. Unfortunately I tend to get stomach blockages when the Crohn's is bad but I just can't tell what's going on now. I have just been newly diagnosed with gastritis. I'm waiting for my doc to order an MRI. I really need to know what is going on.
Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.