Hope I haven't misled you about the meds. I was thinking of a commercial that's been on lately and it was a Walgreen's ad. Big deal because this med is coming to their stores. Speaking of bloating, I was up until around 4 a.m. trying to get unbloated!!
Yea..my doctor always looks at me wierd, but I could care less. The other place I notice it is with my eyes. I tested Prevacid when I was working (8) hours on my feet in a laundry the first time around. You can tell the difference. I understand about the "taking it at this time" deal. I have other problems like FMS which makes any med a danger zone for me. I just react wierd. This is not a pill to take twice because you forgot to take it. I think, for me, I'm going with the Protonix for awhile. I have free samples and it does move gas better. My m.d. likes Protonix. He probably takes it.
I was all stuffed up anyway. Perhaps the Protonix (40mg) is working out junk I haven't been able to get rid of this week. IBS and it's changing. I have no idea what to eat today. I'll attempt to get back to some routine here when this eases up. I mentioned before..when I'm really sick, I sip orginal coke. Sometimes room temp. 7up and other stuff just won't work for me. You generally find something to help you by accident. Oh..I use cans. Not all of fuzzy water out of a machine. And..Powerade because I'm getting weak.
No doubt, your right. OTC ususally are as strong so they get your $$ one way or the other. I'll have to check Wally World and see what their pharmacist knows. They up on everything.
Hey Patoola....I have too much pain going on in that area. I can only wait until someone decides it might be my heart. That's why I keep reading. Of course, too much knowledge can be dangerous...I'll just scare myself. Not much I can do about it anyway. Just trying to get this gastro thing calmed down.
I'm sure they sell anything in Mexico. It'll be genertic here quickly. I have to laugh at a friend of the family. He's running a restaurant right now and we have family Christmas/parties, whatever and we like him to cook/cater. All my daughers have busy lives and they've spent years doing the cooking.
I love his lifestyle. Irish, loves to eat, cook and a little wine. Last Christmas he was needing Zantac or something while I was watching him cook and drink wine. He takes the meds with wine. Cracks me up. No..it wouldn't work for me. I assure you he's looking fine, great fun and he's not having nearly the problems I do. GERD is just a nusiance for him.
Trust me, I'd trade places anytime.........