I am a female 52 yrs old. I have suffered from GERDS for the past 10 yrs. I used to be on prilosec twice a day and propulsid 3 times a day when I first was diagnosed. (Propulsid is now I believe taken off the market) Anyhow after about 4 years of excruciating esophgeal ulcers even with the meds I opted for a fundoplacation. The surgery worked a good 2 years now I am on prilosec once a day. I just have to say that GERDS is a very bad disease. I had to have my teeth capped from the acid eating away at the enamel. (In fact my dentist thought I was bulimic!!!) There were times where I couldn't eat for weeks because of the ulcers in my mouth and esophagus. I felt like I was breathing fire most of the time. ANYHOW,,,,I just wanted to say Hi and that I am here to support anyone that has been recently diagnosed .