Hello, I am new here. I am so glad I found this site. I was looking all over for someone that may be suffering with the same problem I have.
I cant seem to keep my food down. I have noticed this in the last couple of months now. I can eat oatmeal for breakfast, no problem with honey but when it comes to a meal in the afternoon I eat (like a kids portion) and i feel full all the time and 4 hours later when my body is or should be due another meal it still feels full from the afternoon meal. The food feels like it is sitting on top of my stomach, like I am full and bloated and when I try to burp, food comes up, like a liquid.
I have been throwing up for 30 years, maybe 1 or 2 meals a day but only 1 meal the last 2 years. I am bulimic I think but I dont binge and never have done. I feel bloated right now and all I had for dinner at 2pm (its now 6pm) was some slices of pork, some carrots mashed with butter and one roast potato and some quite rich gravy. They were very small amounts. but it still feels like it is lying there and I am dying to be sick but Im forcing myself not to.
Can anyone tell me what it is please before I make a trip to the doctors for support. I think about it constantly and this may be the reason why I cant just let it go and my nerves allow the feeling of bloatedness to be there.
Thanks everyone for any information you can give me.
Love Jacqui. x x x x