Dear Indersonu: Thanks for taking the time to reply to my question!!! I went to the health food store and had purchased Aloe Vera juice because the lady said it would be quite beneficial since Aloe Vera was a natural anti-inflammatory and she thought it would be better than the mangosteen. Oh Boy!!!! When I took the Aloe Vera juice I had not yet read your post and drank it. It does contain citric acid and that night the acid was horrible and I wanted to die. I even felt as if I wanted to choke. I even had to use my albuterol because I even had terrible tightness in my chest. It took about 2 hours and 3 gaviscons for my acid to subside. My Nexium is taking forever to kick in.....
I am trying to eat more fruits but apples which are full of fiber still bother me. What makes me feel good is plain yogurt with bananas and I have been eating that daily. I know bananas constipate and I have been taking Metamucil caplets but I still am not getting complete relief. Again thanks for your much appreciated advice. Porcelain Doll........