I have had psoriasis for 12 years now and it has consumed my life with the embarrasement and depression that comes with it. So several years ago I agreed to start Enbrel as my Dr. Recommended. At the time I had asked him if I changed my diet, did he think it would help, he said " there is no proof to show that changing your diet will help" which was strange cause I knew that when I drank my Starbucks, my skin would get worse. Long story shorter, I listened to my Dr. and started the Enbrel back in 2001. I have always wondered what the side effects would be since it is meant to slow down your immune system. Well most recently I learned one big side effect. My teeth are rotting out. In the past 60 days, I have had to have 4 root canals and surgery on my mouth. You may ask, what does that have to do with Enbrel? It has everything to do with it. Apparently the cotton mouth I was experiencing while on the medication was caused by the decrease of saliva in my mouth, which causes tooth decay, like older adults experience.
So I have taken my health into my own hands and the results are unbelievable. I have changed my diet and my skin is clearing up after only 10 days. I shaved my legs for the first time in years without cutting myself because my skin is smooth! I am not kidding people, its a very true story. I was very confident it would work because I have done so much research over the years about food because I am a food addict, I love all junk food. Never been a veggie and fruit eater. Well that has changed, they heal your body. I have always thought that my psoriasis was a weird blessing because I could actually see what the food I was eating was doing to my body. The more veggies and fruit I eat the clearer it gets. Now I have removed ALL processed food and Animal product from my diet for the first 30 days. Then after that I will start adding in one food at a time to see what my triggers are so that I can avoid them. The study I have done states that I will know within 4 days if my body is going to react to it.
I am not saying this healing process is for everyone but it has worked for me, so I had to share it.