Hi yall,
Thanks for the concern about
my daughter. Jamie is probably one of the most independent, savy young ladies you would ever meet. She was born with spinifida ( a neuro tube birth defect) We had no idea about
this, whereas now there is warning way ahead of times, and also plenty of information available to prospective new parents about
using folic acid up to a year or so, or all the time, before trying to conceive a child. But, even more when trying to get pregnany. This cuts the risk 70% of having a baby born with spinabifida.. a little research below...
____________________________________________________________________________________Research has shown that Spina Bifida and Encephalocele (also known as Neural Tube Defects) arise in the developing baby during the first 30 days of pregnancy. Studies have further shown that women who take a daily multivitamin with the B-vitamin Folic Acid prior to and during their pregnancy reduce the risk of having a baby with a Neural Tube Defect by up to 73%.
Because of these findings, it has become the medical standard of care to recommend multivitamin supplements containing Folic Acid to women who may become pregnant, are planning to become pregnant, or who are early in pregnancy ( i.e. all women of childbearing age who are sexually active).
If your doctor failed to tell you about
Folic Acid, this might mean your baby's defect was caused by medical malpractice.
I just want to say that Jamie was the biggest blessing our family ever had. She is bright, articulate, outgoing, intelligent, and beautiful. She has acomplished in her short life being a role model to many with disabilites, spicifically those with physical disabilites, and even more specific, those withspinabifida. I guess you could say that she was " the exception" She always told people, " I am much more able bodied than disablef. She used a walker and crutches unti she got inyo middle schoo.
Jamie has worked since she was 15, starting as a ticket taker at a large movie theatre here.
She then went to work in the mall in a retail store during Christmas at the register, part time. She then went to work at a daycare part time.
She graduated High School and was voted the friendliest in her senior class. She had a typical High School experience, and was accepted very well, as she always seemed to be. I think this was because of her acceptance of herself as capable and being able to acomplish whaever she wanted.
Don't get me wrong, she has had many struggles and surgeries. Fortunatley she is average in height and weight with no disfiguring of limbs, and does not have to wear a shunt. Many with spinabifida are not so fortunate.
After High school she entered community college. Half way through, she became was pregnant by her steady boyfriend. I was devastated, to say the least. Not only was I upset with them for allowing this to happen so early in her life, I was concerned about
the health and well being of her and the baby.
Fortunately, Jason, her b/f, had a wealth of support with family. He is the only chld and they had ehlped him buy a small house a few years before, he had a good job, ect. so those things were taken care of. Jamie has SS from her dad who had died in 99, and she worked part time up until the baby was born at a daycare his mother owned. Jason Blaze, her son, is now 4.
So, it seemed as if things were going well over the past 4-5 years. I have been sick to really noctice things happening the last few years, but knew there was something happening. To make an already long story shorter, they seperated about
6 weeks ago. Things have been tumultuous, to say the least.
Of course, being a mom, I tried to control. I found out that she is not my "little gir" is grown, and wants to make her own choices and decisions. So, day by day, I am working on turning this situation over toGod and being here for her. Thanks GOD she does have SS income that will be enough to get an apartment, and pay for utilities. The rest should come from child support. She is learning to drive through a state funded program, and when she gets a car, it will hand equipped for her to drive.
So, I am very optomistic about
her future. She has admitted to me that she is much happier now than she was. I think it is better that this has happened now than when Blaze was older. This may be perfect example of a young man falling n love with a woman, and later deciding, Hey this is not what I want. I want somone able bodied. There is no right or wrong in that, just choices. They may hurt temporally, but time heals. As long as she knows she has choices and can direct her life in an independent and healthy way, she will be ok. Even if she doesn't do that. She will recover
We all make mistakes. GOD knows I did .
I didn't mean to write a book. I got on a roll.
And this is sure off topic.
Be Well,