Hi Bellavita,
I was diagnosed with scalp psoriasis around 6 months back. It was quite severe as well. Being a young professional, it was quite dis-heartening for me and I was almost on the verge of quitting the job. Everyday in the morning, looking at the broken hairs on my pillow was so painful. Even, I changed my pillow cover color to a dark one.
I was administered methotrexate and a coal tar shampoo and a multivitamin supplement. But, thanks to my elder bro, I was quick to know that methotrexate is not a safe option and even, I tested liver functioning test to confirm that my liver is working fine after consuming methotrexate for 15 days.
Then, I read extensively over Internet and found that diet, lifestyle changes can help. Also, fish oil and milk thistle. My psoriasis is way controlled without methotrexate or any other pharma medicine.
So, here are the lessons / ideas that I've learnt:
1. For quick relief from scalp psoriasis, Use hair mask and deep oil massage. At night before going to sleep, massage your scalp deep with warm olive oil. Leave it for overnight and wash it off in the morning with a safe shampoo. I use Jason aloe shampoo. The next night, wash your scalp with apple cider vinegar instead of olive oil massage. If you have cuts in your scalp, then dilute this vinegar solution enough otherwise it can irritate the scalp skin. Say 1 part of vinegar with 5 parts of wash. Wash the scalp with this solution, leave it for 30 minutes and then wash with a safe shampoo. Repeat olive oil massage and vinegar wash alternatively for few days and analyse, which one is more effective for you. Then, keep on doing the best option regularly till you have significant relief.
2. I use Jason aloe shampoo and oatmeal soap for bathing. FOr hair oil, I just use virgin coconut oil- cheap and best. You may add a few drops of tea tree oil in your shampoo/ oil for anti-bacterial properties.
3. Now, the most important thing- diet. Reduced intake of nightshades, refined sugar, tablet salt, processed/ packaged foods, carbonated drinks and others. In short, follow Pagano diet. You can search pagano diet on google-
www.psoriasisselfmanagement.com/psoriasis-diet/dr-pagano-diet-for-psoriasis/4. Lifestyle changes- never skin meals or overeat, no smoke, very less alcohol, proper sleep for 6-8 hours, no constipation, regular jogging.
5. Accept your problem. You know, now, I have accepted that I've a lifelong skin problem and I've to follow certain rules to keep it under control. It is a bit painful, but, we are not alone. So, Not a big deal!
Hope it helps. Looking forward to hear from you.
Post Edited (jenny1503) : 12/15/2016 12:52:46 AM (GMT-7)