I am finally seeking treatment after 10 years of being in denial about
needing medication for my arthritis. It has involved my spine to the point I can only sleep a few hours without waking up in horrible pain. I get so stiff at work that I can not concentrate to do my job. I just had new xrays this week and labs. I do not have the newest info about
them yet but I already know it is pretty bad. I am 45 years old and also a kidney cancer survivor. I only have one kidney. My rhuematologist told me I will have a long road ahead because so much of the meds to treat this I can't take due to the cancer previous in a major organ. I am so discouraged. I do not want to stop working but I can not function on medication. I work on million dollar accounts and I am finding myself already making errors without medication due to the pain. I just need to find a support group as I am afraid of what is to come years from now.