Hello, new here! Really getting depressed with this. All started about
two years ago, I got a picture took on holiday and realised I had a bald line running down my head, looked so unataral but thought hayho it's male pattern baldness and at 29l
No big deal I have always keeped my hair short anyway. The problem started a few weeks later my scalp was itching like crazy to the point I was makeing my baldness worse.
I started to assume this mite not be male baldness as it was so unataral looking and didn't fit the profile of my father uncle and grandads pattern of baldness.
The redness got worse and flares up from time to time, I get dandruff also. I really do not know what this is.
Anyway I have took a picture and edited the saturation a little because that shows the redness more, if you look closely you can see where I am going bald the redness is there, and the parts with no baldness is normal!
Anyone have any idea what this is so I can start treating it?