My mother in law is a saint! She's had three knee surgeries and another coming up this summer. It all began innocently enough with a total knee replacement done back on Dec. 4, 2009. Things were ok minus the infection. Unfortunately, after six weeks her kneecap wasn't ontrack. Her knee would lock in place until she jiggled it free.
Time for total knee replacement number two (by a second doc mind you). Healing well minus another infection until recovery week three she lost all strength in that knee. Come to find out that the muscle that had been sutured split wid open leaving her no muscle to use on that leg to hold her up.
Time for another surgery but, thank g-d , not a total knee replacement. Once again, healing nicely and this time no infection and the scar looked like she'd never had much done on her knee.
Check up time on recovery week ...ummm, just shy of week 6 and her kneecap is not on track once again. At least it's not locking her leg in one position as of today. Time for her to schedule surgery number 4 when her surgeon gets back from vacation in august.
Okay, here's my question...has any of this happened to anyone else?? She's feeling pretty alone on this as all those she knows who have had total knee replacement surgeries have only gone through one surgery and that was it. Any input would be appreciated.