Hello everyone,
about five years ago I had an MRI of my cervical spine. It said I had DDD and a bulging disc at C3. At that time I was having horrendous pain in my neck, down into my shoulder to the tips of my fingers. I only have that occasionally now. The latest is that I feel as though my neck is weak. It almost feels as though I can't hold my head up. When I am at work, I slump down in my chair and that seems to help temporarily. When I get home, I take a muscle relaxant, and that helps a LOT. I take tramadol every day. Sometimes that doesn't stop the neck pain either. I have no idea what this could be. It is so strange, no sharp pains...just a dull pain, but painful just the same, and this feeling of weakness. I know that no one here is a doctor, but I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this type of neck issue.