Hey there - welcome back. It has been a very long time since you have posted so I am glad you have returned and we will do our best to help you out.
Radiographs are considered the "gold standard" test for the diagnosis of OA. I noticed many of your symptoms are also part of Hashimoto's disease. Many people think that the best doctor to treat a thyroid condition is an endocrinologist. Endocrinologists are specialists who take advanced training in the endocrine system -- including, supposedly, thyroid disease. However, do your homework well in searching for an Endocrinologist. Be sure you ask other patients and practitioners, and have a good report on the thyroid-related skills of the endocrinologist before you choose to see one. Even thow you have seen an Endo in the past it may not have been the right one.
If I may ask, what are you doing to treat your anxiety and depression. Anxiety can cause many physical symptoms. And as they say now days, depression hurts. I know this from having a 30 year history of dealing with anxiety and depression.
I agree with Joy, tell your Dr. that you would like the ANA test and I would also ask for the Sed Rate and
C-reactive protein level.
Keep on talking with us as having a place to vent your feelings is always a good thing.