Getting my non-dominant left thumb done Monday morning. Things to keep in mind:
1. use easy pull on/off clothes, avoid zippers, bra hooks, lace-up shoes. This applies to arriving the day of surgery.
2. forget makeup, hair styling, etc, for a couple of months. I strung up my hair dryer on a tripod.
3. prepackage food for easy prep. Keep in mind you won't be able to use a knife, I have prepared shredded chicken and pork, hard-cooked eggs. Buy foods that are already cut up.
4. for that matter, think of all the things that you can't do without 2 thumbs. Get the twin pack of rubber strap oil filter wrenches at Harbor Freight for $5, get dental flossers, get a carry bag for stuff around the house (bring things from the freezer, etc).
5. you may reach a point where you can't turn door knobs. I advise replacing doorknobs with lever handles while you still can. The ADL levers are almost as expensive and pretty much useless.
6. set up mail order accounts for home delivery, especially for heavier or bulkier items.
7. if you have access to a Breg unit, use it. I found a used one on ebay for about
$75. It should cool through the splint, but this time I'll use it more on the fingers, I was not able to wear rings for 11 months last time.
8. last time it took about
6 wks(?) before I could drive again, about
3 months for being pretty much functional. Your hand will tell you if you're overdoing it.
9. my right hand feels good except for occasional pains, probably new arthritis, but I do not have the range of motion I had prior. PT did have to tell me how to massage a tight tendon in my palm.
10. you can also get a TENS unit online, I got a TENS 7000 for about
$28, get a package of small pads and use an old piece of coban to hold them in place, and get some 9v batteries.
11. while you're on painkillers, you may want to have some extra exlax on hand
12. switch shampoo from bottles to jars without lids or no touch pump bottles, and put soap bars in old nylon hose as "soap on a rope". Get several plastic "umbrella bags" and an elastic to keep you hand dry during showers.
13. and test drive everything I've told you. I'll try to add as I remember more, probably Monday afternoon.
Good luck, everyone.