I agree that making sure that you have a support network is a key part in keeping yourself on a healthy level. One other thing I would add is to become part of a team for someone else. One of the best ways for me to keep from focusing on myself is to focus my attention on someone else that needs my help. It's one thing to be able to complain about
yourself and how you feel (a needed activity when you are dealing with pain) but what makes me feel better is that when I am done getting my feelings off my chest I can then focus my attention on helping someone else.
It is a good thing that you understand that you are in the "why me" stage. Be aware that you will fall in and out of this stage. Sometimes I think I am over it, hen I am right back into complaining "why me". I don't know if you are into the Bible, but I compare it with David hiding in the wilderness. He had lots of psalms where he complained about the situation he was in, complained that it wasn't fair, and in the end came around and made peace with the situation. Reading these psalms, and putting my complaints into my own psalms, has helped me come to grips with how I feel. It also helps me see just what I am complaining about.
My biggest complaint was that I felt my future had been taken away from me. I was 29 when I got the diagnosis of RA. My health went way downhill, and I had to give up many of the plans I had made for my future. I have since realized that I did still have a future (and a good one) but it was going to be a diffrent one than I had ever imagined. I hope this helps you some.