Hello all, new in here and impressed with the forum.....
i seem to be a medical mystery any help will be appreciated :)
i sprained my back about 3 years ago in a work accident, was told a few months ago i now have a slipped disc after screaming at doctors, they did mri, found disc problem they found i now have arthritis in right hip,probably due to the way i walk because of back pain.........
the physio i saw 3 years ago felt that there is a si joint problem, the consultant was sure the pain was from hip and have had 2 injections there which did help, waiting for third as the one i had in june wore off by september.
i am seeing the original physio again, when she rubbed ultrasound probe over my back the most tender area was in the si joint region..........just so confused do i believe the physio or the consultant??????
just to make things more complicated i am allergic to anti-inflams and am unable to take any painkillers apart from paracetamol.....have many allergies, antibiotics etc.........just do not know where to turn:(
the biggest problem for me is sitting and getting up from a chair the pain is so bad, but if i sit on the bed with legs straight i am pain free, just so confused, i really would love some feedback, there must be someone with a similar problem, if so would love to hear from you......sorry to go on so long but thought the more info the better.....
also was only a year ago the arthritis was diagnosed it was not there till a long time after the accident.
susz xx