Well when I did go to the doctor, he took me off the Celexa, and put me on Effexor.
He thought it was safe to stay on the Tramadol. So I took the Effexor 2 x a day for 4 days. Then suddenly it was horrible nausea, bad headaches, sweating alternating with cold chills, and terrible pain in my kidney area, couldn't sleep because of pain and terrible nightmares all night long and shakiness, and overall weakness. It was the sickest I ever felt in my life!
I told this on the fibro forum, and almost forgot to let you all here know about it.
I was conscious of Serotonin Syndrome, and was trying to make sure I did not get it, and by golly I got it anyway!
Please everyone be careful, I know my doctor didn't mean or think this was going to happen and I should have been more diligent about what all I was taking.
Looking back on the nightmare I went thru, I know I should have went to the hospital, but told myself I will stop taking the Effexor, and I did plus didn't even take the Tramadol for a few days. and even though many sites say the symptons usually go away in 24 hours after stopping the med or meds that caused it, it made me very sick for almost a week.
I want you all to know how serious this is especially nowadays when more and more meds are being prescribed like SSRIs,which can lead to Serotonin Syndrome. So please be your own advocate when it comes to taking anything, especially going on a new med. check it out, find out what the risks are.
I just do not want anyone else to suffer this way.
God bless, Debbie