I have not been diagnosed with OA, because my rheumy for one hasn't looked at my x-rays (which show spurs & signs of OA according to the radiologist) and two because he says I'm too young (29), so he's trying to find something else (no tests have shown anything else). Today I didn't think I'd be able to go to work because I'm in pain, the worst in probably the last year. I did go to work and now I'm almost regretting it. I have an appointment with my rheumy next week, but if I'm feeling like this tomorrow or even worse I don't know what to do. I am taking Sulindac for the symptoms, but it doesn't seem to do much. My knees are extremely achy, but my right hip hurts worse. I seem to be okay if I sit for awhile, but once I get up and walk around I have horrible pain, and I can't think of anything I would have done to make it this bad, I woke up like this. The pain seems like it goes from the him through the bone all the way to my ankle. Can anyone give me any advice as far as what I should do or even if you've had a similar experience? I have a feeling that if I call the dr. they'll just tell me to wait for my appointment, but I've got family coming this weekend and I don't want to be in bed the whole time they're here. I honestly thought about
the ER this morning, but I don't want to go that route if I don't have to. Thanks for listening and any thoughts.