Hello and welcome to the Osteo Forum. I agree with Judy on this one.
Do approach your Human Resource Department re your disability plan through them if you have a plan with them. I took early retirement for medical reasons but nobody from our HR department mentioned my using my long term and short term disability and I was 62. I was so down and out at the time that my mind didn't engage and think of my disability which I donated money to as an option. I ended up taking the reduced SS and supplementing with my pension plan 3 years early then I planned. That was rught after I had lost 1/3 of my pension second degree to our economy.
A friend of mine had a stroke and applied for SSDI and just last week she was approved. Her first hearing was over 3 years ago and she was turned down. Same with her second hearing but finally she has won her settlement.
I hear this same story from others. It can take a long time for the Government to approve disability and some they never do.
I can see the insurance will be an issue for you and with known medical problems can you afford to be without medical insurance - just a thought ?
I wish you well and do feel comfortable and asking any other info we may be able to help you with.