Hey :)
I'm new and don't really know how to start this or how to word this so apologies in advance**
Breakdown: been having bouts of pain in both hips since I was 12. I finally was given my diagnosis (severe OA in left hip) 2 months ago. They still don't know what' wrong with the right hip but have mentioned could just be from over-compensating.....I have been in this pain (bout) now for 4 months and thats not normal for me. Seem to be getting worse not better.
I've been advised that I need corrective surgery/hip replacement within the next year. Understandably due to my age my consultant does not wish to operate and would like to put it off as long as possible. But I do have a concern whether putting it off til im 25 whether i'm still likely to wear it down quicker than someone who was relatively older as I believe that is their concern.
My GP is concerned about waiting longer than required and now I don't know what to do. I really want to get back to my work - all my bouts before ive managed to hobble in on crutches...now I can hardly get out of bed. Getting lifted by my boyfriend to the toilet, in to the shower etc. I'm on constant bedrest and constantly doped up with p/killers.
I feel at 24 and having just moved in with my boyfriend, that I have now totally lost most of my independence. Was not what I had planned when we moved in together in June this yr. Sadly I really look forward to the days I can get in my wheelchair and go shopping for a wee while, just so I get out the house. I have already now been referred to physio and they want me to do a course of water therapy, I am still waiting to see Pain Management etc.
So i've came here so that I can now possibly feel like I belong somewhere and also to ask whether you personally think whether I should push for surgery sooner? And maybe how to cope with this, some advice?
Thanks in advance and sorry for this essay
Amy xx