i had a athroscopy on my right knee on 16 march two wks ago , i had a syst on the left of my knee and a torn
carltidge, i'v been a postie for 12 years and fell that many times on my rounds it could of been that what caused
it, the second day after my op i felt great done some walking round the block potted round the house determined
i was going back to work tue 2nd april, then my pain returned and found they had'nt take the syst away which
was were most of the pain was , now i'm getting pain near the insisions , i'm icing ,and doing my execises but the
pain keeps me awake ,ibrophen does help but does'nt last , i have put another sick note in for another wk so
i'm hoping i'm better by then , anyone with any advise on pain management