Hello everyone, and what a great thing the internet can be when you need to talk to other people that are going through what I am going through!
First off, a little background info on me:
Served in the Army from 2001 to 2009
Deployed to Kuwait from 2004 to 2005
Back pain started in 2006, was told it was Fibromyalgia and all in my head and to keep taking anti-depressants (gotta love the Millitary dr.)
I am 34 yrs old and female
Currently I am on narco 10/325 and that's it
I am in so much pain I can't stand it. I feel like my life revolves around my pain. I was never explained the results of my MRI and I am hoping someone can tell me what they mean.
Here are my symptoms:
I wake up and I feel ok, as soon as I sit down the pain between my shoulders begins to ruin my day. I can't sit for long, more than an hour and I am hurting pretty bad
Driving long distances hurt my upper back
Leaning over hurts my back
Standing and walking more than 30 mins hurt my back
Ok, now for the results:
There is mild posterior disk protrusion at C5-C6 and C6-C7
There is intervertebral disk space narrowing at C4-C5 and C5-C6
Incidental note of a hypoplastic right vertebral artery with a dominant left vertebral artery.
Mild degenerative change in the lower cervical spine without central or neural foraminal narrowing
There is mild intervertebral disk space narrowing at L5-S1 associated with disk desiccation.
Hemangioma lesions scattered T1 and T2, largest 9mm on T12
Do I have a reason to be in pain? What does all this mean? I was on Vicodin for a year and in may I was changed to Narco, my pain is back and Narco isn,t working anymore!
Is what I have Spinal Osteoarthritis?
Can I really get used to the meds this quick?
Can the back problems worsen in a years time?
What meds work best for someone with these problems? Do I try to get narco and a muscle relaxer?
Sorry for the long post and than you in advance and sorry if I am in the wrong forrum.