I had arthroscopic rotator cuff repair nearly a year ago. The doctor noted significant arthritis during surgery; he cleaned out the junk and repaired the supraspinatus, which had a 2.5 cm full thickness tear. I went back to playing golf after about
six months, and have full range of motion.
I continue to have pain from the arthritis and get cortisone shots every 5 weeks or so to allow me to play golf. So I'm facing total shoulder replacement. The repaired tear has completely healed so I would have normal shoulder replacement.
As you all know who have had shoulder surgery, the recovery period is long, painful and tedious. So having another procedure is not something to be taken lightly.
Question 1: Was it necessary to replace the torn RC before shoulder replacement or could they both have been done in one procedure?
Question 2: Is there any medication other than NSAIDS which can reduce arthritis pain so surgery can be avoided?