I'm glad to hear that something works for you and that yours are from allergies. I'm still hoping that mine are/were not typical lupus nose sores either, but I can't seem to find anything that really describes them, if you know what I mean.
Sorry this will be gross (but then again, we're talking about NOSE sores!) - mine would form a "scab," kind of crusty-like and I just couldn't breathe, it would get so full feeling and I'd have to "pick" it off and it would be extremely painful and bleed a lot. I just couldn't ignore it and leave it alone because I couldn't breathe. At first I thought they were like canker sores in my nose, but I'm not sure if that's even possible. This happened to me 3 fall/winters in a row - they'd start at the end of Oct. and end anywhere between Feb. and April, and would be CONSTANT! I tried everything I could think of and nothing really helped much except Carmex a bit. I don't know if I tried saline nose drops or not, just can't remember. Finally, when I was at the doctor's for a routine exam, I mentioned this to her. She didn't seem at all concerned and gave me a sample of some type of ointment. She said if it cleared it up, it was a particular type of germ (I can't remember the word she used). It did clear it right up and I've had no further problem with THOSE types of sores.
Last year I didn't get any, thank goodness! This year, along with lots of other new and worsening on-going symptoms, I have had a bit a soreness in my nose. This time it's very different and just seems to me more like dryness, rather than actual sores. Happened a few times and did bleed once or twice, but cleared up within a day or so on it's own. I was able to just ignore it because it really wasn't a problem this time, I was just aware of it when I'd blow my nose.
Again, sorry for the gross description. I'm just trying to determine if mine are what are considered Lupus nose sores and can't seem to find anything that really describes them. I have year round seasonal and environmental allergies too.