Posted 2/12/2011 12:32 AM (GMT 0)
For me I think my hives have arrived because of my Reactive Arthrits or rather because my immune system has turned on itself. I don't like this term 'auto immune disease'. I don't have a disease. I have an immune system out of balance and the arthritis, inflammation, hives, lip swelling, tiredess are all symptoms of that, are all connected instead of separate disorders/diseases. If all my specialists (dermatologist, allergist, rheumatologist, immunologist) stopped looking at the parts and took a glance at the whole picture it might have saved me some pain years ago. Alas we have to take responsibility for our own health.
Since diagnosis of reactive arthritis 3 years ago I have totally divorced myself from Western medicine unless it is absolutely necessary. And started really learning about herbs, plants and whole foods. Conventional medicine is so aggressive, and violent. My immune system attacks me so they give me Predisone - which essentially is a drug that is attacking back by weakening my immune system! It really is a metaphor for how people deal with problems in the world, how governments deal with other nations. Go on the offensive.
Being on Predisone led to so many problems I can begin to explain just to name a few the mania, weight gain, depression, swollen face, exhaustion because of insomnia, hyperactivity, and all the other symptoms I had whilst on Predisone. NEver! Again!
Predisone and anti-biotics whilst short term have been useful (especially at the peak of my first Reactive Arthritis flare up) have led to so many other complications and issues. And basically unless its life threatening I don't go there anymore. Not with any pharmaceuticals. I actually find also my home natural remedies work a hell of a lot better, and have positive side effects for more body instead of the long list of negative ones. Anyone whos been on Pred knows what Im talking about
This combination contains a broad range of antihistamine compounds, and is likely to bring relief to anyone suffering from hives, regardless of the cause. Combine roughly equal parts basil, fennel seed, oregano, and tarragon, with two parts each chamomile and regular tea leaves. Steep in nearly-boiling water for about ten minutes.This can be drunk sweetened with a little honey, or several cups can be added to a bath for a soothing soak — or better yet, sip a cup of this tea while in the soothing bath!!!! But make sure its not too hot or it might aggravate you more!
Chamomile is one of the best antihistamine herbal remedies, but those with ragweed allergies shouldn't use it, as it may only make the allergic reaction worse. It is followed closely, however, by oregano, and then by rue. Beyond those three, almost as effective are basil, echinacea, fennel, fig, ginkgo, grapefruit, passionflower, tarragon, tea, thyme, and yarrow. My experience of these is that used fresh straight from a pot or a garden bed makes them SO much more effective. I think moving towards natural supplements in pills and powders instead of whole food forms has been our biggest mistake as a human race. And the companies selling us these products I think don’t want us to figure it out! Or they’d be broke.
Apart from chronic hives, and regular lip swelling I also have reactive arthritis, an auto immune problem and nothing works on my joint pain like a fresh comfrey leaf ironed between two pieces of kitchen paper and applied directly too the swollen joint and bandaged up. Comfrey is one of the easiest herbs to grow, the more leaf you harvest the more it grows! And it will thrive in the same spot for years. It’s a fantastic all round cure all, and great for compost health and liquid feed as it is chock full of minerals. Herbs in this form are more alive and thus more full of the good stuff we want from them. Get growing!