I have been diagnosed with asthma through breathing spirometer testing. I have fatigue, tight chest symptoms, some wheezing, and dry coughing, but no trouble breathing. I stopped taking advair because it was making me hoarse, and I sing in a choral group! So I take Singulair 10 mg. at night, and use my albuterol inhaler at least once a day. (My family practice P.A. prescribed them.) It helps with the coughing, but I still have fatigue and discomfort in my chest. I am planning to go to the allergist and perhaps I will get additional meds to control the symptoms better. I enjoy exercise, and do what I can.
By the way, has anyone experienced this type of asthma symptoms (just cough, no breathing problems), and can I expect to develop the breathing troubles in the future? I am 62. Could the meds keep me from getting worse?