I have had a lot of tightness and pain in my muscles that started 3 years ago in my early 40's (I'm a female). This has created a lot of back pain, neck and shoulder pain. My primary resource has been regular stretching and chiropractic, but over time I also noticed that my muscles were so tight that I injure easily doing activities for me that were once not a problem.
My thyroid T3 is low so that is something I'm working to bring back up. Also I had a low feratin rate from heavy menstration, and that is also going up with iron supplements. HAd my hormones tested and all is well - yet still pain.
I did a liver cleanse several months ago and at the time elimated every potential food toxin, then added them back in. For the first week I was pain free! THen I added wheat back in and the pain tightness started again. However, I still didn't make the connection between a wheat sensitivity and the pain.
Months later I talked to a nutritionist who said she had lots of aches and tightness and stopped wheat. She said it takes around 6 weeks for it to leave your system, but that her pain stopped.
I'm on week 2 and feeling much better - I think it's the culprit! I'm not 100% pain free but there is a definite difference. I'm on the mend for certain!
I've had no official testing. I think that I really don't need a doctor to tell me how I feel on this one. And too many don't even understand the ideas of food sensitivities. By the sound of these posts most slap on the obligatory "fibromyalgia" that is of little help to anyone. I've gone to chiropractors all of this time and not one of them ever suggested I eliminate specific foods. One quick conversation with a nutritionist at a health food store and things are resolving.
For anyone with chroic pain, it's worth a try to cleanse the liver and eliminate things like wheat, dairy, alocohol, coffee, and other potential irritants. Really, I was resolved that I would be in pain the rest of my life. I am really hopeful after two weeks!