I was stung by yellow jackets a couple of weeks ago(3 stings). Initially had hives and itching which has happened previously. Took Benedryl; several hours later I had swelling in my left chest muscle(on my left side my pecs looked like Arnold). Not sure if my throat was closing or not....may have been my imagination. Went to ER; received IV of prednisone; benedryl, and pepcid. This relieved my swelling and calmed me down. At some point I had severe joint pain(can't remember if it was before or after the IV). Was released after a couple of hours and went home with a Rx for predisone. I couldn't sleep for most of the night and was continiously eating. The prednisone really made me crazy even the next day so I stopped taking it.
Here I am two weeks later, I'm wondering if I might have damaged my heart with this. I don't have chest pain or anything but sometimes it feels like my heart is fluttering(best description I can come up with). It has been very hot and humid where I live and I feel it especially after being outside working for a period of time. I know you will say go to my Dr. which I did after the above episode but I wasn't noticing any issues yet. He did recommend seeing an allergist, that is my next step. If I go back to the Dr. he will probably send me to a cardiologist for a stress test etc. and I'm not sure I need that. So I'm asking here first. Anyone have any thoughts? I have been stung in the past the most recent before this I was stung about 5 or 6 times.